Wilderness And Remote First Aid Course, Victoria BC

20 Hours
Red Cross Remote First Aid and CPR Level C

Click Here for Victoria BC First Aid Course Schedule

What happens if 911 is more than 15 minutes away? What do I do if I'm 2 hours away from the hospital? These are common questions in our first aid courses, and this is why we have introduced the Canadian Red Cross Remote First Aid course (formerly Wilderness & Remote First Aid). This specialized  course is designed for those who live or work in non-urban, remote or wlderness workplaces or communities. If you are looking for a hands-on, scenario-based course that is a little more comprehensive than a Standard First-Aid course, and you want to do some of your learning outside, then this is the course for you.

Course content includes:

  • Preparation and planning
  • Your health
  • What is the P.L.A.N.?
  • Airway emergencies
  • Breathing and circulation emergencies
  • First Aid for respiratory and cardiac arrest
  • Wound care
  • Bone, muscle, and joint injuries
  • Head and spine injuries
  • Environmental situations
  • Poisons
  • Cold- and heat-related emergencies
  • Medical emergencies
  • Evacuation and transportation
  • Extended care

This course supersedes a Standard First Aid and also includes AED and CPR Level C. Price of course includes Red Cross Wildness and Remote First Aid manual and Red Cross Wilderness and Remote Field Guide. Over 80 % of this course is outdoors, so come prepared to be outside.


Certificates awarded on successful completion: 
Red Cross Remote First Aid and CPR Level C

For more information concerning course dates or private group courses please contact Alert First-Aid.